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Omogoča uporabo standardiziranih evropskih obrazcev. Spodbuja beleženje formalnega in tudi neformalnega znanja. Spodbuja mednarodne izmenjave in učenje tujih jezikov. Statistika uporabe po državah Evropske unije.
Prihodnost ustvarjamo z znanjem, podjetništvom in inovativnostjo. Vsak dan pišemo nove zgodbe. Konferenca Leadership and Management in Schools and Business , 5. Delavnice za bodoče diplomante v pomoč pri zaposlovanju.
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Scholarships for foreign nationals of India to study in Slovenia. The Call is published for doctoral studies in Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science or Engineering, Production Technologies and Civil Engineering. Application deadline July 15 2017. Happy New Year 2017! Scholarship for postgraduate study of nationals of Western Balkans.
Charter and Code for Researchers. Human Resources Strategy for Researchers. Training to Enhance Researcher Skills. Guide to administrative duties - online navigation. Checklist - what to do when coming to Slovakia. Recognition of diplomas and qualifications. Welcome to the portal of EURAXESS SLOVAKIA! And organisations active in research.
TURKEY, AS GLOBAL ATTRACTION CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND RESEARCHERS. Welcome to the EURAXESS Turkey portal, a source for interantionally mobile researchers who plan to come to Turkey. On this website, you can find information on funding opportunities, job offers, social security and tax issues and other topics relating to researcher mobility. EURAXESS Turkey is part of the network of EURAXESS Services Centres throughout Europe.
AMGEN Scholarship Program - výzkum na jedné ze 13 světově proslulých univerzit. Několik absolventů již obdrželo prestižní ocenění či členství v programech jako např. Hertz Foundation Fellowship, Rhodes Scholarship, Henr.
Search our database of funding schemes for researchers. Want to do research in the UK, visit the UK or collaborate with UK colleagues. Royal Society Kohn international fellowships.